Our mission is to assist you in securing the best value house, in the best possible location, within your budget, and through our vast builder partnerships, we can offer you a larger choice of homes that do just that.
Sadly, builders often advertise a “base house price” or promote unrealistic house and land packages in an attempt to lure their customers. In reality, the real cost to move into most homes is far greater than advertised. At Chüse we go to great lengths to understand the differences between our builder’s inclusions, exclusions, variation costs and site works allowances. That way, you don’t have to.
At Chüse we go to great lengths to itemise the differences between your preferred builders and have them provide pricing to suit your specific requirements so you can make an apples-to-apples comparison. Furthermore, we will itemise the benefits of one builder over another, so you can to decide who has the best offering.
Deal with just one person for advice and information on over 40 builders and 100+ land estates. Our service is unbiased, unpressured, obligation free and adds zero cost to your new home. Furthermore, we are not incentivised to sell you a specific lot or house like every other sales rep in the industry is. That’s why we guarantee to get you a better house, in a better location, within the same budget; because we are spoilt for choice.
Real estate agents and car salesmen are listed as the least trusted people in the Australian workforce and sadly the new homes industry is filled with both. So if you plan on getting information from a number of companies to help you decide who to build with and where to build, you will need to engage with multiple salespeople.
For most, the experience is intimidating, invasive and exhausting – until now.
When it comes to plans, 80% of all homes sold come from 20% of the builders’ designs. That’s why we eliminate the clutter and only showcase the top 20% of homes from Perth’s most preferred building companies.
We are not incentivised or motivated to direct you in way other than what suits you best.
Avoid dealing with multiple sales people, get all the details you want with just one enquiry.
Your satisfaction in the choice of builder is backed by our deposit guarantee.
View the top 20% of Perth’s top selling and best value plans by the top 20% of Perth’s builders.
Sebastian & Christina